What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files stored in the browser installed on the device you use to view a website. Cookies are stored either temporarily, for the time you're visiting our website, or permanently, which means that they remain on your device for a predetermined period of time or until they are manually removed by you.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies serve to ensure the correct functioning of the website. They allow  your actions and preferences to be remembered. Thanks to cookies, you don't have to configure settings every time you switch between websites or return to our website. In addition, we use cookies to determine which services interest you, and to subsequently fine-tune items of interest that we offer you.

Technical Cookies

The purpose of technical cookies is to support the basic functions of our website. The website cannot function without cookies of this type. Technical cookies allow the website to be correctly displayed, forms to be submitted, navigation to function, and other essential tasks to be carried out. For this reason, technical cookies cannot be switched off.

Name Description Expiration
gCookieConsent 29 days and 23 hours
nette-samesite These cookies are native to PHP applications. Cookies are used to store and identify a user's unique session ID for the purpose of managing the user's session on the website. during the session
PHPSESSID Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. 14 days
unread_articles This is a general identifier used to maintain user session variables. 2 years