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AED invites to reSITE 2015

AED project announces details of their cooperation with reSITE for the fourth edition of reSITE Festival. reSITE with the support of CMC, the City of Prague and dozens of partners will host James Corner, Michael Sorkin, Karel Janecek, Pavel Kysilka and dozens of other global experts at reSITE 2015.


reSITE 2015 “The Shared City” will be the first conference in Europe to focus on the intersection
of the sharing (or collaborative) economy, open data, architecture and sustainable design for cities.
The festival will again center on a two-day conference at Forum Karlin on 18 & 19 June. reSITE
2015 will offer a rich program for professionals and the general public over six days. The festival
will host public bike rides, film premieres, an open data hackathon, professional design
workshops and public discussions. Please register at:


reSITE 2015 “The Shared City” will be the first conference in Europe to focus on the intersection of the sharing (or collaborative) economy, open data, architecture and sustainable design for cities. The festival will again center on a two-day conference at Forum Karlin on 18 & 19 June. reSITE 2015 will offer a rich program for professionals and the general public over six days. The festival will host public bike rides, film premieres, an open data hackathon, professional design workshops and public discussions. Please register here.