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Engineers in Gallery!

For the first time in history, the most prestigious Czech architecture gallery (GJF, Betlémské nám. 5a, Praha 1) will host an exhibition not of a renowned studio, but give room to a presentation of the work of a quality domestic engineering office.

The aim of the exhibition, organised by postArch
agency for AED, is to present the benefits of the profession to all parties involved in the process of designing and executing buildings. The exhibition will be held on 15-29 September 2010. 

“We want to show that our work is a constant in a process full of variables such as architects on the one hand and clients on the other,” says Ing. Aleš Marek, one of the founders of AED project, a.s. By means of installations, the exhibition will recall some more or less well-known buildings, perceived by the public largely through the names of famous architects but presented in the context of an engineering office for the first time.


will be an audiovisual projection covering the most interesting projects

in the nearly 20 years of AED project and documenting the wide range of

problems in the solving of which the company assists its clients among architects

and developers.